As I sat on the lawn looking out over the all too quiet water amid all
too few people by the Prospect Park lake, I remembered a time not so
many years ago when there were plenty of Geese, although I didn't know
they were Geese, and plenty of children throwing bread into the water.
And there were boats, with turning blades in the water, cleaning up
the lake, it was said, of green algae.
I remember that scene. It played out over and over maybe for a year
and then I started to see the Geese coming out of the water to graze.
Graze on the grass (there were no algae anymore) until the grass was
gone and brown dirt took its place with nothing to impede its erosion
into the lake.
And then the tragic day when the solution to the Geese and their
"destructive" eating needs and ways came to the fore and the people
learned that the Geese were gone, exterminated which, given our not so
distant knowledge of peoples exterminated with the same gas, the same
lack of individuality respected, well................
this does not
make for good public relations and with the Audubon Society not
stepping up to the plate to say, "no, don't do it,"
It is all very ugly. Dare I say stupid; lacking in foresight?
for more on this subject visit:
1 comment:
Linda - My Sympathies, of course, & to the Poor "Birds"
(quite a Handsome Creature, & at the 69th St Pier area
I saw some 3 or 4 of their Babies a year or So Ago !!!
Such Dear Creatures !!!! The Big Canada Geese !!!
I was Surprised when I saw a Copy of "The Brooklyn
Paper" when I Saw Its Headline " They Had to Die " !!!
Later I Turned to The Letters to The Editors & I was
surprised again at the Honesty of Some Locals who
Brought Up the The Need for GOOSE TOILETS !!!!?
I Recall ALL the "Black Leavings" at the End of The 110
th Street Central Park Beautiful Lake which on My 2nd Visit a Month or 2 later There was No Place to
'Sit on the Grass' !!!! What with Doubtless City Budget
Cuts, It was NOT Possible To Have A Geese Cleanup
Crew - (I am Surprised that These Excretions weren't Picked Up By a City or Gardening Group to Use as
"GUANO" !!!!
I'm afraid there was also the Fear of the Geese Becoming Air-Borne Again & Endangering Planes ! & i'm Afraid that The COST of Shipping them Back to Canada, might 'Be Costly' & They Might Turn around &
Come Back !!!! Alas, if, as Turkeys are hunted for Food,
I could Only Hope they were, at least, Used for
That "Food Chain" System !!!? (if they were Healthy) !
So Sad !
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