It isn't the outside, the rain, sleet or cold weather that will drive the movement of OWS into the dustbin of history because it is a youth driven movement without God on their side, nor media or money.
It is a movement of the young who see the future as hopeless, with debt that far exceed their ability to gain financial stability. The more educated, and most are educated, the greater their debt.
Sooner rather than later the OWS will wake up to the problem with the Universities that make debt a graduation nightmere while the schools amass huge futunes in tax free real estate at the expense of culture, of history of places that hold memories more rich than the education that schools offer to those of their chosing.
The OWS movement will also wake up to the reality of their political power. They will form their own political party, the 99 per cent party and they will not have to go through the arduous process of trying to gain acceptance on the ballot for their party, their platform, a voice on radio, telvision. They won't have to debate anyone because there is no debate with crooks, liars and mouth pieces who have destroyed the fabric of life for millions upon millions of people, countries....the world
The OWS will go to the polls in numbers almost unheard of in this great country, and they will offer up their candidates for Prsident of the United States, and it will be Anon for President and Wiki for Vice President and the 99% will wear masks when forced to speak. Anyone wearing the mask will satisfy the need for public discourse. The 99% will run on a platform of full transparency and democratic participation and human need above greed. And work?
They articulate a way to distribute goods, life sustaining necessities without making the sole method of income distribution the almighty "work" that professed character building trait deemed mandatory for the 99%. Work will be a luxury as it is for the one per cent. What people won't do. machines will.
And the OWS will write-in their candidates for President and Vice President. If you have ever tried to write in a candidate you know this is a long arduous process that will impede if not bring to a premature end a day of voting on the aloted line for the corporate delivered candidates of no one's particular choice.
Come rain or shine, sleet, or winter cold,
the work of the OWS is but just begun. If only they have the vision to do what must be done.
That is my dream
Linda Zises
recent Chcago resident