Sunday, June 27, 2010

Yoga on the Great Lawn:New York City 10,000 strong

So this is what women's liberation looks like, I thought, sitting on the grass of the great law in New York City along with more than 10,000 mostly women awaiting the start of a yoga class followed by a drumming session.

It hadn't rained yet and on the stage was this pot-bellied man sporting a huge Afro, fully clothed with a huge beard that hid everything except his eyes. Clearly, he did not fit in. But neither did the images projected onto a larger-than-life screen viewed by the assembled many and by the helicopter circling overhead, images of first a man's head and then a woman's projected without benefit of neck or a hint of shoulder. How un-yogish can you get!

But the women didn't seem to mind or notice. The audience of thousands did what Yogini's do. They focused, ignored what didn't belong, and had a good time. They sat in groups, teacher and students all mixed up talking, looking at their fellow yoga practitioners.

It would be hard to find a more strikingly beautiful group of woman anywhere in the world; and on full display, clad mostly in spaghetti-strap tank tops and tight Lycra pants. Only the privileged members of the "work crew" were told to wear the uniform: grey, knee-length pants and light blue tops which covered everything (which in this place, at this setting, was less than "in the spirit"). Tank tops would have been more appropriate.

The Cooperate stage show seemed to go on endlessly while the audience awaited their fate. To go on or cancel and promise a "Rain date".
A compromise was struck.

A little Yoga - downward facing dog, plank, upward facing dog, mountain pose, hands to heart in prayer to whatever or whomever, and the sound of a long long long OHMMMMMMMMMMMM filled the Lawn and entered into the minds and hearts of all.

The benefit of being seen in public without having to "cover up" and without fear of man's stares are extras to the benefits of Yoga, the spiritual, physical, emotional discipline that women are embracing world wide.

This day's event is the result, almost the culmination of a new Woman's Liberation Movement and I'm loving it!

Next onward to California's Love Fest
then back to New York for a promised Rain Date.

Maybe this time it will be 20,000 strong and more.

Linda Zises
WBAI Radio

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